
The stats for March 2018, compiled by IAB SA and Effective Measure South Africa, proves that you should seriously do online marketing for your business.

Many South African businesses are already benefits from the available online marketing options out there.

The problem is that many businesses still reckon they don’t have to do it as “it’s only something for the big players” and “there’s no time or money for this now.”

Granted. Time or money is usually the issue.

Running your own business takes up a lot of time and by the end of the day you really don’t have time to fit this into your schedule as well.

The great thing about online marketing is that with a little effort and help you can reach a much wider audience faster and effectively.

With the amount of tools, platforms and strategies available today even a basic plan of how to do online marketing for your business will make a massive difference and improve your reach online and help you rank on the search engines for your specific service or product.

The trick is to build gradually but to do so consistently over a period of time. Once you reach that time cap you can measure and improve your results by analyzing your efforts and adapting your strategy.

Here are some stats compiled by IAB SA and Effective Measure SA to prove the point. Original image from iabsa.net.

Online Marketing Stats South Africa March 2018
Source: EffectiveMeasure.com

If you’d like to find out how we can help your business do better online marketing and save you a lot of time feel free to contact us for a no obligation consultation.